OLY GROUT MONO R is a normal setting, ready to use, thixotropic, non-shrink mortar with added synthetic fibers. It has high mechanical resistance to both short and long curing, strong adhesion to concrete, high resistance to sulphates and excellent durability even in highly aggressive conditions (marine areas, de-icing salts, acid rain). It is CE marked as R4 on the basis of UNI EN 1504-3 and for protection systems of reinforcement rods (according to 1504-7). The advantages are: highly performing (final mechanical development required for R4 mortars within the first 7 days); 3 in 1 system (passive reinforcement, restores and shaves at the same time allowing to close the intervention in one working day and with a single pass); versatile, being suitable for both structural (cortical) and non-structural (smoothing) restorations; easy to apply given excellent machinability and ease of application (manual or mechanized).
OLY GROUT MONO R is used for consolidation, restoration and smoothing of reinforced concrete works. (pillars, beams, cornices, balcony fronts, road and railway bridges and viaducts, canals, dams, tunnels).
The substrate must be perfectly clean, compact, free of dust, grease, paints, etc. Carefully remove degraded and inconsistent concrete by hammering until a compact substrate is found. The surface tensile strength of the “Pull off” concrete must not be less than 1.5 MPa, as indicated by the quality control procedures of the substrate according to EN 1504-10. If the substrate has lower mechanical characteristics, the designer will evaluate the measures to be taken to protect against the poor characteristics of the original material (consult the Technical Office). The metal reinforcements in sight must be freed of the concrete in contact with them by using a needle gun and sandblasted. Saturate the area to be treated and eliminate any stagnant water when casting. The product can be used ready to use with the simple addition of drinking water for each pack, of the quantity indicated in the table. Mix the product for max. 2 minutes with a cement mixer or, in the case of small doughs, with a drill and whisk. Introduce the 3/4 of necessary water and, continuously, the product and the remaining water until the desired consistency is obtained. Apply by trowel or spray with suitable plastering machines. If a continuous coating is required with the OLY GROUT MONO N, it is essential to bush-hammer the total surface, place a suitable galvanized electro-welded metal mesh connected and anchored to the support, and apply the mortar with a thickness that creates a concrete cover of at least 2 cm.
Multilayer paper bag of 25 Kg.
Pallet 60×25 – 1500 Kg.