Guaranteed quality for big construction sites
Olympus supplies and designs innovative, high quality solutions for structural consolidation and reinforcement and the safety arrangements of floors and partitions. The certifications our company and our products obtained are the proof of the reliability and high quality of the solutions we supply.
Certified Products

OLYMPUS-SAFE anti-debonding systems are certified by the Istituto Giordano SpA labs after conducting a series of tests on different-type real-size floors. Each system type features a certified load. The dry mesh features a certified fire reaction classification, pursuant to current regulations.

OLYMPUS-FRP line of products is certified under the “Guidelines for identification, qualification and acceptance testing of fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) employed for the structural reinforcement of existing buildings” issued by the Higher Council of Public Works – Central Technical Service. Once completed the Certification procedure, Olympus obtained the Technical Assessment Certificate, CVT n. 247/2019.
A copy of our systems certifications can be requested to our technical office.
Qualità dei prodotti
Scopri di piùA reliable company
The certificate of compliance relating to the quality management system, fully abiding by the provisions and requirements of standard UNI-EN-ISO 9001, ensures the reliability and competitiveness of our company on the market and our capability to supply our products and services to the construction industry on a regular basis and the high satisfaction of our clients.
By choosing Olympus you can also be assured to deal with a constantly growing business, both in terms of management and technologies, able to grant the compliance of its products with current regulations on the matter, their constant modifications and the design of customized solutions to solve specific problems with the most effective and certified products.